Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey, I'm going to start posting quotes after every post. Hope you enjoy them and comment on them. I have also made a goal to stop complaining about no viewers. I'll post again later.
*We think of dogs as man's best friend, but do they think man of dog's best friend?*

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Been Gone...

Hi, havn't updated in a while. But no one looks at my blog so it doesn't matter. Nothing new really, just today is the third anniversery of when my grandma died... :'(
well bye...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! We won in softball yesterday! We have never won two in a row!YEEEEEEEEP! Comment and be supportive! Thanks! Byes. Happy Mommy's Day to all.
P.S. These are our softball teams colors!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Should I just stop posting? I believe I should. No one comments. Please! Anything! Good or Bad!!!! PLEEEEAAAAAAAAAASSSSSEEE!! Wow, I sound desperate.

Hope you like this crazy dog!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hi. Nothing new so I don't know what to say. I need some ideas. I'll try and brainstorm before tomorrow. So today i went to school and softball practice. Nothing abnormal. Well I'm abnormal so nothing abnormal for me. I'll talk to ya lates! Wow I'm so not cool ; ) Bye.
~Shypup ~
~~R.I.P. Bryan~~

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Forgetful Me...

Hey. Once again, I forgot to update. No one cares though because no one reads my blog!! I mean c'mon, if you happen to stumble into this blog, please comment. I have nothing to work with here. Anyway, nothing new. Usual, so bye.
~~R.I.P. Bryan~~

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hiya! Good day today! Well except for the dentist, but I'll live. I went to school, (Boring) Took ELA's, (Easy) Left school early, (YIPPE!) Went to the dentist (BOOOO!) came home (YAY!!!) did homework (ehh it was poetry not too bad) And now I'm going to write my story! (Yeah!!!) Then dinner (It's food! How bad can it be?) Then I have NYSSMA lessons (Grrrrrrr!) then I come home and shower (no comment) Then I either write more (Yeah!) or go to bed! (I don't want to go back to school! WAAAAAAAAH!!) and that's about it. Hope you liked my commentary. Comment!! Thanks
~~R.I.P. Bryan~~

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